After the Eclipse (a Personal Note)

The solar eclipse today, April 8, 2024, took place across Mexico and North America. Although I live in the region that had 90% coverage, I watched the NASA live-stream on YouTube then later the ABC live-stream on television. I'm sharing this post not quite directly regarding astronomy or astrology but instead to highlight what I … Continue reading After the Eclipse (a Personal Note)

Carrie-Anne Moss: Fierce Grace in Life and Onscreen

Fierce. Grace. Two words that beautifully describe actor Carrie-Anne Moss, best known for her breakout role as Trinity in The Matrix. Two words Carrie-Anne uses herself at Annapurna Living, the online community she founded to empower women primarily through meditation and mindfulness (referred to as the Fierce Grace Collective). Based on August 21, 1967 4:05pm … Continue reading Carrie-Anne Moss: Fierce Grace in Life and Onscreen

Current Jupiter-Rahu Conjunction (2023)

Watching the news tonight, I'm hearing of at least two incidents that reflect the current Jupiter-Rahu conjunction in Aries. Jupiter represents law and justice. Rahu represents the masses and/or mobs. Union Square Park in NYC was mobbed yesterday (8/4/2023) when a 21-year old social media influencer posted that his fans should meet him at the … Continue reading Current Jupiter-Rahu Conjunction (2023)

Studying Birth Charts

I was thinking the other day that if someone reads all of my case studies without some knowledge of astrology or has no exposure to astrological teachings and never had a reading themselves--and maybe even if they did, it's absolutely possible that they could interpret the case studies as exploitations of the individuals whose charts … Continue reading Studying Birth Charts

Gene Roddenberry: Star Trek’s Creative Visionary

Of all zodiac signs Aquarius is the visionary, futuristic and often well ahead of the times. People with Aquarius prominent in their birth charts are rebels and trendsetters who shake things up with new and often thought provoking, if not controversial, ideas. Star Trek creator, Gene Roddenberry, had his natal Moon in Aquarius. Once the … Continue reading Gene Roddenberry: Star Trek’s Creative Visionary

Planets & the 7th House of Partnerships, Part 3

When Saturn is in the 7th House, the individual takes relationships seriously. They're all in or not at all. They're capable and willing to commit, and often it is for the long haul, but finding the right partner and being open and vulnerable to another will be difficult. There's often delays or even a lack … Continue reading Planets & the 7th House of Partnerships, Part 3

Evanna Lynch, Part 2: Lunar Mansions and Dasha Insights

Lunar mansions, also known as nakshatras, provide another level of understanding to birth charts in the Vedic sidereal system of astrology. You're familiar with each planet occupying a constellation (Aries, Taurus, etc…). Each planet also occupies a lunar mansion or nakshatra, of which there are twenty-seven. To understand more about nakshatras, I highly recommend The … Continue reading Evanna Lynch, Part 2: Lunar Mansions and Dasha Insights