Evanna Lynch, Part 2: Lunar Mansions and Dasha Insights

Lunar mansions, also known as nakshatras, provide another level of understanding to birth charts in the Vedic sidereal system of astrology. You're familiar with each planet occupying a constellation (Aries, Taurus, etc…). Each planet also occupies a lunar mansion or nakshatra, of which there are twenty-seven. To understand more about nakshatras, I highly recommend The … Continue reading Evanna Lynch, Part 2: Lunar Mansions and Dasha Insights

The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting: Harry Potter’s Evanna Lynch and Her Heartfelt Memoir, Part 1

Luna Lovegood is not just one of my favorite Harry Potter characters but of thousands if not millions of fans around the world. Luna's simplicity, authenticity, and oddly elegant ability to be herself, even if awkward to anyone else around, has been an inspiration for many and became a beacon of light, a life preserver … Continue reading The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting: Harry Potter’s Evanna Lynch and Her Heartfelt Memoir, Part 1